I am done with computers

Blazh Femur
3 min readOct 17, 2021


We are experts at rationalizing deliberate ignorance

This will be the last thing I write on Medium. I just got an upgraded OS and now my word processor is no longer supported and I can no longer open my documents. Looking for help is a fruitless labyrinth. Surely there is a solution somewhere that will certainly cost money but I am bored with the game of Where’s Waldo. I’m sick of being lured in and conned.

We‘ve all been duped. We don’t know what a tree is but we sure know how to pontificate about deforestation. Clean energy will only foster more online stupidity. The human condition is nothing but blah blah blah. All this hot air is heating up the globe faster than carbon footprints. The squirrels are smarter than us. At least they know how to prepare for winter by burying acorns all over the place.

God deniers say the concept of burning in Hell is simply a method of controlling people through fear. But Hell is right here, right now. It’s well underway. We are the frogs being boiled alive by our own pointless keystrokes. We think we are empowered — everyone has a voice — but we are blind to our own subservience to the almighty ones and zeroes and the grotesque vanity of displaying our expertise like perverts exposing ourselves on the street. The temptation to write, read and comment is irresistible. We love the sound of our own words. I feel so special when I know it all and share.

The only impactful thing we share is our filth with the oceans and atmosphere.

The more we learn, the less we know. With its distinctive spiral arms a galaxy appears coherent and knowable from a distance, but as the astronaut enters, it dissipates into an incomprehensible jumble of far flung stars of all types. In case you concrete thinkers didn’t notice, that’s an analogy for the empty god of scientific pursuit.

God laid out many clues about our place in the universe and our inherent limitations. But we refuse to believe we’re limited. We ignore God’s clear instructions and reject necessary humility because we think we’re gods. We are irresponsible, defiant children. “You can be whatever you want to be if you just put your mind to it.” I’d like to be point guard for the Knicks. Not happening.

One of God’s clues: The world is round. There is no top to the sphere. That means heirarchy is an illusion. If you’re looking to “get ahead” or “make it”, you’ve lost it. Your marbles, that is. Get ahead of what? We “feel bad” about the diminished habitats of majestic lions and stupid pandas as we type away. Lions are NOT at the top of the food chain. There is no top. Lions are lazy predators — parasites really — who kill, gorge themselves, then laze about in the sun for 3 days. And pandas eat nothing but bamboo, which is sorely lacking in nutritional value. They survive only because we want them to, because they’re cute. Pathetic. We think we’re being rational in protecting only animals that we emotionally identify with. Nobody is asking for donations to save the rare brain eating amoeba. There is nothing rational about human behavior. But we’re great at rationalizing our atrocious activities while patting ourselves on the back for throwing a few bucks at some conservation cause.

Can there possibly be a more narcissistic species than humans? Almost everything we do poisons the planet and then we whine about climate change. We are the ultimate parasites. Look at a satellite photo of any city on Earth and it resembles a malignant tumor in the midst of green lushness.

If you want to exercise, help the old lady down the block carry her groceries and stop jogging. Do something constructive. Get off the hamster wheel. You don’t even have the conscientious wherewithal to wire it up so your repetitive motion generates clean electricity. Get real. Nobody gives a shit about the state of your abs.

Okay, enough ranting. I am as guilty as anyone of the crimes listed. I started by complaining that my electronic toy is broken.

If you want to reach me, I’ll be in the woods.



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